Living A Healthy Life With Parkinson’s Disease

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 Parkinson’s disease is a condition where in the body movements become slow and the person has tightness of upper and lower limbs. It usually starts on one side of body and then spreads to other side over time. Medications are available to reduce these problems and make the patient more comfortable. To live a healthy life with Parkinson’s disease.. the person who has this has to exercise regularly, take his medications regularly and not stop them suddenly. In addition diet has to be proper with regular food intake and adequate sleep. There is a chance of increased falling and this can be avoided by using walking aids for assistance. The surroundings at home have to be kept clutter free to avoid fall. Greater care has to be taken to avoid falls in bathroom. Staying active physically and mentally helps a lot. Driving safe is also important. Sometimes people may feel sad and upset that they have this condition. But talking with other people going through the same condition and talking with their doctor helps. With regular treatment, a healthy diet, active lifestyle and good emotional support, people with Parkinson’s disease can lead a healthy and comfortable life.

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