Neuropathy - Causes, Prevention And Lifestyle Changes

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  • Neuropathy - Causes, Prevention And Lifestyle Changes

Neuropathy is a problem in the nerves of the body. The nerves are like electric wires that connect the brain with the muscles. Problems start happening when the covering around these nerves gets damaged or the nerves itself get damaged. The main cause of neuropathy is diabetes. Several other conditions like vitamin, autoimmune conditions(GBS, CIDP) can produce neuropathy. The main symptoms are numbness, tingling sensation, loss of power in muscles and reduced bulk of muscles. Prevention  of neuropathy requires good blood sugar management in case of diabetes, avoiding environmental toxin exposure and having healthy diet habits. Preventing the increase of neuropathy needs identification of cause and evaluation with a neurologist. Then the cause can be treated well and further damage can be avoided. Lifestyle changes for living a healthy life with neuropathy would include- good diet habits rich in vegetables and fruits, stopping smoking and alcohol intake , regular exercise and staying active. Also people with neuropathy should wear appropriate footwear and protect their legs from injury as sometimes these injuries get infected producing various complications. In this way, awareness among people regarding the symptoms of neuropathy, consulting the neurologist for it to identify what is causing it and appropriate treatment with good lifestyle management will ensure that people with neuropathy live a comfortable life.

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