How To Reduce The Risk Of Brain Stroke ?

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  • How To Reduce The Risk Of Brain Stroke ?

Brain Stroke is due to various reasons of which increased blood pressure and blood sugars are important. Increased levels of bad cholesterol in blood can also increase the risk of brain stroke. Now a days from a very young age, children are being exposed to lot of processed foods and junk food. This leads to greater risk of stroke at a younger age in their 30s or 40s. 
So to reduce the risk of brain stroke the following tips can be followed- 
- Always prefer home made food and recipes. 
- Reduce excess carbohydrates and fats in diet and take good amount of immune boosting foods like fruits and vegetables 
- Exercise regularly for sufficient time in a week
- Adopt a stress free and healthy lifestyle 
- Avoid smoking or excessive alcohol intake 
- Get regular health check ups done at appropriate age

By following above tips, everyone can reduce their risk of getting diabetes and hypertension, subsequently reducing their risk of getting stroke early in their life or even at a later stage.

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