Ataxia is a lack of muscle coordination that can make speech and movement difficult. The ataxia symptoms usually occur with imbalance in walking, speech disturbances, inability to coordinate movements (feeding disturbances). The causes are many. Early identification of cause and treatment can help you.
Symptoms of Ataxia
vLack of co-ordination
vDeterioration of fine motor skills
vTrouble eating and swallowing
vEye movement abnormalities
vGait abnormalities
vWalking difficulty
vSlurred speech
Treatment of Ataxia
Ataxia treatment is based on the cause identified. There are multiple reasons for ataxia .Early diagnosis and treatment is important for effective recovery. Apart from this, physiotherapy, occupational therapy play an important role.
ØMedications as per the cause identified
ØPhysical therapy
ØSpeech and language therapy
ØOccupational therapy
ØAssistive devices