Parkinson’s disease is a brain condition wherein the person becomes slow, has tremors and unclear speech. They also have instability in posture. The disease progresses slowly. It usually is seen in old age , but younger people can have it too.
Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease
lSlowness in the movement
lSmall handwriting size
lLoss of automatic movements
lImpaired posture and balance
lUnclear ,low volume speech
Risk factors of Parkinson’s Disease
The risk of developing Parkinson’s disease(PD) increases with age. It is slightly more common in men. Some environmental factors may increase the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease.
vSex (Being Male)
vFamily History & Genetics
vHead Trauma
vExposure to toxins
vMedications and other drugs
ØMedical History
ØNeurological examination
ØMRI scan to look for atypical causes
Treatment of Parkinson’s disease
Parkinson’s disease is managed by multi- modality treatment that includes medications that have a dopaminergic effect, levodopa and other symptomatic medications. Apart from this, physical activity and regular exercise do help in it. In cases with troublesome dyskinesias and motor fluctuations, deep brain stimulation is employed in the treatment. Good treatments are available for effective symptom relief and improved quality of life.