Living A Healthy Life With Epilepsy

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Epilepsy is a condition in which recurrent seizures occur in people. It maybe difficult for some people to come to terms that they are suffering from this condition. The first step to living a health life with epilepsy comes in accepting their diagnosis and condition. Because accepting and  understanding the condition would help them to take the medication regularly and maintain good seizure control. Also people with epilepsy should be encouraged to do what they want to do and achieve higher prospects in life. They should take care of their dietary habits and avoid skipping meals. Good sleep and regular light exercise are also helpful. Its better to carry an ID mentioning their condition. They should also have medication alerts so that medication is not missed. The caregivers of the people with epilepsy should be aware of the seizure type they are suffering and provide care accordingly. They should avoid excess stress and avoid driving until seizures are well controlled for sufficient duration. Dangerous activities have to be avoided. Most of them can participate in sports or leisure activities with adequate seizure control and proper supervision. Also appointments to the doctor should not be missed and suddenly stopping medication has to be avoided. Epilepsy can be controlled and people with seizures can perform well as normal people. They should develop a positive attitude and proper understanding of their condition.

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