Multiple Sclerosis and Demyelinating conditions

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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a condition in which the myelin covering of neurons of the central nervous system is damaged due to immunological mechanisms. In addition to MS, there are several other demyelinating conditions like Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM), Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO), and Myelin oligodendrocyte antibody-related disorders. In addition, some of the connective tissue disorders like Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and Sjogren's syndrome can also produce demyelination. Some time vasculitis can also produce a similar illness


  • Vision reduction (Reduced color vision) with pain on eye movements
  • Double vision
  • Sensory problems like numbness of limbs
  • Motor problems like weakness of limbs
  • Instability in walking
  • Bladder disturbances

The above symptoms may have a spontaneous resolution with or without residual deficits.

There may be recurrent such attacks

When you have such attacks you need to consult a neurologist for proper evaluation and management


  • MRI brain with contrast imaging
  • VEP, BAER studies
  • CSF studies
  • Autoimmune profile

You will be subjected to the above tests as per the requirement and it will be tried to identify what demyelinating disorder you will be suffering from. This identification will guide further management.


The treatment for acute episodes includes steroids, plasma exchange, and IVIG. For preventing recurrent attacks other medications will be given as per the disease type and severity.

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